Biết các nguồn tài nguyên về quyền của bạn

With growing uncertainty for many members of Florida’s AAPI community regarding interactions with law enforcement, FLAAPP wants to remind you of your rights, regardless of your immigration or citizenship status in the United States. Below are resources from around the country to inform you, your loved ones, and your community. Remember, we keep each other safe! 

Asian Law Caucus

ACLU Know Your Rights Flyers (Translated)

Make sure you have accurate information!

Follow this guide from United We Dream and Witness about how to verify information related to ICE raids. 

Lead a Know Your Rights workshop!

Become a leader with FLAAPP and learn how to conduct your own Know Your Rights workshop. It’s up to us to educate and empower our AAPI student groups, places of worship and community organizations! Sign up below to attend a Train-the-Trainer session with Florida Immigrant Coalition: 

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Cập nhật thông tin về các sự kiện, hành động và nhiều thông tin khác. Cùng nhau, chúng ta có thể xây dựng quyền lực chính trị AAPI trên khắp Florida.